
  • Portrait Painting Process

    This is a peek at what my painting process looks like. Disclaimer: I’m not a professional, there’s probably better ways to do it, and I make lots of mistakes.

    Read on, if you dare, and imitate at your own risk!

  • How not to paint hair, note-taking and more

    Sketchpad and markers

    I started Jason Seiler’s portrait painting course last month. It consists of six lessons, so I thought a reasonable target would be to complete four of them by the end of February.

    It’s now February 9th and I just finished the first lesson. I guess I’m not very good with estimates!

  • 2018 Art Resolutions

    I’m a big believer in goal-setting. Last year I set some very ambitious goals in different areas of my life, like fitness, personal finance and self-development, with measureable and clear goals for each category. Unfortunately this didn’t accomplish much other than generating an impressive list of things I didn’t do!

  • How I Lost My Motivation To Draw - And How I Got It Back

    People often admit to being prolific, if perhaps not proficient, artists in high school. I was no different. Class was my most productive time—I placed myself strategically at the back, hoping my teacher would think I was frantically taking notes on 19th century French literature instead of doing crude drawings of video game characters.

  • How Bella Lo Traded Her 9-5 For A Career In Art

    Bella Lo Header Image

    Have you ever felt stuck in your career? Ever thought about quitting your 9-5 job to follow your passion instead? At some point I think most of us have, but few do more than think about it.

    That’s why I was so excited to hear Bella Lo’s story — stuck in a job she disliked, Bella decided to take the leap from art hobbyist to professional.

  • How To Get Started With Inking

    Inking Header Image

    Ink is a very versatile and expressive medium, but it’s also one of the most difficult to master. Working with ink can be incredibly frustrating; all it takes is one small mistake to ruin a perfectly good drawing, and when you do make a mistake it’s usually hard to correct.


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